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- 8月19日 週六Toasteria Cafe / Yong Kang shop - 4F2023年8月19日 上午10:00 – 下午12:00Toasteria Cafe / Yong Kang shop - 4F, No. 200, Section 2, Xinyi Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106A workshop for any urban dwellers hoping to grow herbs in containers and learn how to use them in food, herbalism and as an asset in the garden. Workshop suitable for beginner and intermediate gardeners. Price: 500$/pers.
- 7月15日 週六Toasteria Cafe / Yong Kang shop - 4F2023年7月15日 上午10:00 – 下午12:00Toasteria Cafe / Yong Kang shop - 4F, No. 200, Section 2, Xinyi Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106An introduction to key elements of a successful garden design for balconies and rooftops. This workshop will cover building safety, design technics and styles, plant selections, and maintenance. Workshop suitable for beginner and intermediate gardeners. Price: 500$/pers.
- 5月06日 週四No. 200, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 1062021年5月06日 下午7:00 – 下午9:00No. 200, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106Learn the exquisite art of kintsugi, golden repair, a Japanese traditional technique for fixing ceramics while enhancing their scars with gold. Come and fix broken flower pots collected from flower market vendors and bring back home beautifully repaired ceramics to decorate your home and garden.
- 2月28日 週日父母 - FuMu2021年2月28日 下午5:30 – 下午7:00父母 - FuMu, No. 103號, Xing'an Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104A gardening happy hour workshop for people who like plants and beers. This time, we will talk about flowers and challenge your 5 senses through games and quizzes.
- 2月28日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2021年2月28日 上午9:00 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106Come & learn about how to grow flowers in spring and summer. From seeds propagation to fertilizer, we will share with you everything you need to know for having a successful flower garden.
- 1月03日 週日父母 - FuMu2021年1月03日 下午5:30 – 下午7:00父母 - FuMu, No. 103號, Xing'an Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104POTS & PINTS - A workshop for those who like beer & plants! It's winter and that's strawberry season! Join us for a fun happy hour and learn about how to grow strawberries while sipping on a fresh beer at the excellent FuMu
- 12月20日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2020年12月20日 上午9:00 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106Let's decorate our home with a modern Christmas wreath made with plants from Taiwan.
- 11月29日 週日父母 - FuMu - COME TO MAMA & PAPA2020年11月29日 下午5:30 – 下午7:30父母 - FuMu - COME TO MAMA & PAPA, No. 103號, Xing'an Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104POTS & PINTS - A workshop for those who like beer & plants! Join us for a fun happy hour and learn about the essentials of indoor plant care while sipping on a fresh beer at the excellent FuMu.
- 11月29日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2020年11月29日 上午9:00 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106Come & learn how to choose wisely and take care of indoor plants so your home can finally look like the jungle of your dream.
- 10月25日 週日父母 - FuMu - COME TO MAMA & PAPA2020年10月25日 下午5:30 – 下午7:00父母 - FuMu - COME TO MAMA & PAPA, No. 103號, Xing'an Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104A workshop for those who like beer and plants. 10/25 - Come & learn about winter vegetables at FuMu. We will present which vegetables grow well in Northern Taiwan from November to March, what are the best ways to take care of them when potted and how to harvest them.
- 10月25日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2020年10月25日 上午9:00 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106Come & learn about how to grow herbs in pots and how to use them.
- 9月27日 週日父母 - FuMu - COME TO MAMA & PAPA2020年9月27日 下午5:30 – 下午7:00父母 - FuMu - COME TO MAMA & PAPA, No. 103號, Xing'an Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104A workshop for those who like beer and plants. 9/27 - Come & learn about herbs at FuMu. We will present which herbs grow well in Northern Taiwan, what are the best ways to take care of them when potted and what are their benefits for health.
- 8月30日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2020年8月30日 上午9:30 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106How to build a successful and beautiful garden on rooftops and balconies. 如何建造一個成功又美麗的頂樓或陽台花園。
- 8月16日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2020年8月16日 上午9:30 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106What to grow for Fall and how to start growing from seeds your favorite vegetables. 歡迎大家來學秋季時可以種哪一些蔬菜和怎麼從播種開始。
- 8月09日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2020年8月09日 上午9:30 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106Come & learn different ways to do composting in urban environments and provide a healthy soil for your plants. 來學在城市裡最適合的堆肥方法,讓你的花草享受健康的土壤。
- 7月26日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2020年7月26日 上午9:30 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106Keep your plants happy and hydrated all summer 讓你的植物整個夏天都充滿水分及活力 Price: $300/ person
- 7月19日 週日Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店2020年7月19日 上午9:30 – 上午11:00Toasteria Café Yong Kang 吐司利亞 永康店, No. 200號, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106How to choose the best pots for your garden - 如何為你的花園選擇最適合的盆栽 Price : $300 / person
- 12月19日 週四毛房 moa 食物工作室2019年12月19日 下午7:00 – 下午10:00毛房 moa 食物工作室, 100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Lane 114, Xiamen Street, 2號3樓A fun way to get into the festive spirit. Come enjoy a warm step-by-step guided wreath making workshop using locally sourced and sustainably collected materials in Moa Kitchen while indulging yourself with wine and gorgeous food.
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